Restore Wallet

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Revision as of 20:29, 14 March 2021 by Nico89 (talk | contribs)

Upfront information: At the time this article was created/updated the latest version of the DeFiChain app is 2.3.0


There are several scenarios where you might want or need to restore your wallet. Examples are a complete computer reinstall with reinstall of DeFiChain app, an installation of the DeFiChain app on a second computer or a virtual machine for redundancy. The restore process has improved with version 2.3.0 of the app and offers better guidance among different possibilities.

In general you can restore from a

  • .dat file (which is the underlying file format the wallet data is stored in or backup to) or a
  • recovery seed (aka mnemonic seed, seed phrase, 24 words, ...).

The recovery seed is only for users who created the wallet in older app versions than 2.3.0. There are many problem with recovery seed and wallet encryption as described here.

It may take some minutes after the restore until your funds and assets are completely visible. You might miss receiving addresses after restore. You can add them manually if you stored them somewhere (described here).

Scenario 1: Wallet created in 2.3.0, password is set, .dat file available

Select "Restore wallet from backup" from the start page. Keep in mind that a full sync is required before restoring can be started. Choose the .dat file you want to restore from.

Scenario 2: Wallet created before 2.3.0, recovery seed available, no password set

Select "Restore wallet from recovery seed". Enter the 24 words.

Scenario 3: Wallet created before 2.3.0, recovery seed available, password set

Setting the password enables wallet encryption. As described here, a full recovery from the seed phrase is no longer possible and a .dat file is required for full restore. The seed phrase works in general but it can only restore private keys, public keys and addresses that have been created before encryption was enabled, i.e. the password was set.

So if you have .dat file available restore from it as in scenario 1, if not cross your fingers and restore as in scenario 2.

Scenario 4: Wallet created before 2.3.0, recovery seed available, password set, .txt backup available

In older versions, backups of the wallet have been stored in .txt format by the app. These .txt backup are unencrypted and contain sensitive information such as your private keys. If you stored them somewhere remember to keep them very safe! Consider to remove them after you restored the wallet successfully and keep backup in encrypted .dat format. Of course you need to remember your password in that case.

To restore you need to use the command line of the app. Type the command

importwallet <complete path to your .txt file>

so e.g. importwallet c:\Users\toni\documents\defi_backup.txt